A summary of Kerberos authentication and how to abuse various delegations in Active Directory context for privilege escalation and more.
more >>be better.
A summary of Kerberos authentication and how to abuse various delegations in Active Directory context for privilege escalation and more.
more >>Learn about how privileged process handles, when inherited, can lead to UAC bypass/privilege escalation.
more >>Exploiting a kernel stack overflow in Windows 11?
more >>current 0day exploit for cve-2021-4034
written with reference to Qualys’s blog post
64-Bit Windows Shellcoding!
more >>Bypass sandboxing implementations such as seccomp in CTF pwn challenges with ROP
more >>Interesting glibc malloc behaviour that can aid in exploit writing.
more >>Ever felt frustrated when you dump an entire database during a pentest but can’t crack any hashes?
Or perhaps you’ve compromised a machine but are unable to crack users’ hashes for lateral movement?
Improving the injector from last post to hopefully bypass AV
more >>Exploring the basics of remote shellcode injection
more >>tag:
npm i hexo-generator-json-content --save
jsonContent: meta: false pages: false posts: title: true date: true path: true text: false raw: false content: false slug: false updated: false comments: false link: false permalink: false excerpt: false categories: false tags: true